God Builds Hopeful Futures in Burundi BY JESSE & JOY JOHNSON In 2006, when we moved to Burundi, the civil war that ravaged Burundi for more than 10 years was winding down. Our local elders were eager to see the country’s education system restored as soon as possible with the Lord’s people leading the way. When the elders learned that Joy was a teacher, they approached us with the idea of reopening the Christian school that had operated on the Emmanuel Church property from 1985 to 1994, when the fighting grew so close it could not stay open. The local [...]


      We all have our own way of celebrating Christmas: some enjoy quiet times with family and readings of Luke 2, while others gather to sing carols with church family. But holiday traditions can vary even more around the world, from one country to the next or even city to city. Many of our missionaries celebrate the Lord’s birth in a foreign setting, far from their extended families. To better understand what Christmas looks like in these places, we asked a few workers to tell us about the holiday traditions that are unique to their areas, what seasonal ministries they have [...]

        A Multifaceted Ministry

        Remembering Christ’s Words, Serving All BY DOROTHY WOODSIDE Chitokoloki Mission Hospital is well known in Zambia, southern Angola, and southwestern Congo for its medical work. I first came to Chitokoloki in 1991 to offer furlough relief to two full-time nurse-missionaries who worked here at that time. Afterward, I felt the Lord was leading me to stay on, so in 1992, I was commended to serve as a full-time missionary, specifically to help with the medical work. Taken from  CMML Missions Magazine


          Sharing Christ’s Love with Indigenous Peoples BY BECKY KEW The Lord sent me to Sandy Bay First Nation about 13 years ago. My heart was burdened for the people with regard to the many suicides that were happening among the youth. Where I serve, the people are primarily Ojibway, and the community has a population of more than 6,000, with the majority of the individuals on welfare assistance. Often misunderstood and overlooked, indigenous peoples are precious to Christ, and He desires that they know His love and salvation. Taken from  CMML Missions Magazine


            RIVER MINISTRY IN PERU BY JESSE MATTIX South America’s jungle lands are deep in the middle of the continent and stretch into the neck of Panama. The jungle is almost forgotten, but a careful reading of colonial history and archaeology reveals places where the Inca people took refuge as they retreated from the Spanish on the western side of the continent, later known as Peru. To the Spanish who took the Pacific side, the jungle was a place of abandonment and exile; fear of wild animals and disease kept them at a distance. The Portuguese, who colonized the eastern side [...]

              LOVE IN ACTION

              Reaching Ireland through Christ’s Example BY COLIN & NATALIE BURNETT One of the challenges in reaching people with the Gospel is finding the balance between proclaiming the Word and meeting practical needs. Both are needed but not one at the expense of the other. We see this harmony exemplified in the Lord’s life as He went about doing good. Taken from CMML Missions Magazine


                AN ADVENTURE OF REDEMPTION BY DANIEL MINNELLA Staring at the steaming pile of boiled fish entrails and the side of roasted, grated cassava, I remember the missionary stories I learned in Sunday school years ago. “This is what it takes, I guess.” I squirm a little as I raise the ball of food to my mouth and see the faces of my companions watching me as if I were about to perform an impossible feat. I drop the warm, spiny ball into my mouth and chew. “Lord, please don’t let me barf,” I pray. I force a smile and say, [...]


                  Over nine days, from the end of January to the beginning of February, my dear brother Micah Tuttle and I, along with a team of eight Peruvians, journeyed into Peru’s jungle to build relationships, disciple, hold openair gospel meetings, and encourage believers. The following journal entries, written by Micah, are overviews of our days. Reading of eating jungle rats, of navigating jungle terrain far from the reaches of cell towers, and of preaching until our bodies want to collapse can muster up imagery that is disconnected from reality, but don’t miss the connection. Taken from CMML Missions Magazine


                    Gather the people together . . . that they may hear and that they may learn to fear the Lord your God and carefully observe all the words of this law.” (Deuteronomy 31:12) The red sun of dawn stretched its golden arms over the eastern horizon of the centuries-old city of Luanda. Many inhabitants of that African city still slept, but one Portuguese couple had been awake all night. On that July day in 1971, shortly after sunrise, their middle child, a boy, was born. Taken from CMML Missions Magazine

                      CELEBRATING 10 YEARS IN THE FIELD

                      In August 2018, we completed 10 years of being in Nicaragua. It has not always been easy, and we have learned a great deal about spiritual warfare. But we have seen the hand of the Lord work in amazing ways. The hand that was in control at the beginning is still in control today. We serve an amazing God, and Deuteronomy 31:8 still rings true for us. Taken from CMML Missions Magazine