About visualmediaconsultant_b52r3z2q

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So far visualmediaconsultant_b52r3z2q has created 94 blog entries.

Pray for Bethel Creations

Pray for the ministry that the Varghese family are involved in with producing multimedia content for assemblies across the globe. Pray for the financial needs the ministry has as well as their personal needs. For more information please visit: BethEL Creations


Dear Fellow Celebrants of the Lord’s Goodness, Fifty years ago this month we felt like Jacob when he remembered the initial trek across the land of Canaan to Haran. He reports many years later that he crossed the river with only his walking stick or as he called it his staff and now became two companies. Only a staff for the aid of his dislocated hip helped his pilgrimage. We left Oakland California 50 years ago this month. We look back at a rented truck with all our worldly goods and two and a half priceless possessions. I suppose the [...]

Am I a Soldier of the Cross?

Am I a Soldier of the Cross? "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith." (2 Tim 4:7) I fear the church is filled with Christians who have an overly romantic view of what it means to be a soldier of the cross. Our churches are filled with believers who want to be missionaries, preachers, workers and elders. While I applaud such aspirations, I wonder how many of us have counted the cost. It is easy to be a soldier of the cross when we are surrounded by our Christian friends, [...]